The internationally acclaimed architect and Pritzker Prize 2021 laureate follows Oana Bogdan and Martin Jančok as BigMat International Architecture Award members of the 2025 Jury. Based in Paris, Anne Lacaton, alongside Jean-Philippe Vassal, has transformed contemporary architecture with a commitment to sustainability, adaptability, and human-centered design.

Renowned for projects such as the transformation of social housing at Grand Parc Bordeaux and the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, Lacaton & Vassal’s work embodies the values of architectural excellence celebrated by the BigMat Prize.
Learn more about her work and stay tuned for further 2025 Jury releases!

Anne LACATON work in partnership with Jean Philippe VASSAL. Office LACATON & VASSAL created in 1989. born in France in 1955. Graduated from the School of architecture of Bordeaux in 1980. Diploma in Urban Planning at the university of Bordeaux in 1984. Professor emerita of ETH Zürich. Visiting professor at the EPFL Lausanne 2005-06, 2010-11 and 2017-18, at Harvard GSD 2011 & 2015, at TU Delft, sem. 2016-1, at the University of Sydney, Rothwell chair, 2020-2023; Since 2007 in the Master Housing at the University of Madrid.

The Office Lacaton & Vassal based in Paris, has an international practice, working on public buildings, housing and urban planning. All the projects are based on a principle of generosity and economy, serving the life, the uses and the appropriation, with the aim of changing the standard and a strong commitment for sustainability and social impact.

Working carefully with climate and everything already there, reuse, transformation instead of demolition and always restarting from the empty, is also a principle of the office’s attitude.
The main works completed: the Palais de Tokyo, Paris, the Architecture school in Nantes, the FRAC, Regional collection of contemporary art in Dunkerque (France), completed, 2013 and significant housing projects: House Latapie, Bordeaux, “Cité Manifeste”, social housing in Mulhouse and Paris, the transformation of modernist social housing blocks in Paris and Bordeaux, a housing tower block in Geneva.

Current projects: Renovation of the Kampnagel theatre in Hamburg, transformation into housing of a former building hospital Saint Vincent de Paul hospital in Paris, Villa Hegra, artists residence in Alula.
Anne Lacaton & Jean Philippe Vassal have received a number of awards among them:
Pritzker Architecture Prize 2021, BDA Grand Prize 2020 (Bund Deustcher Architektinnen.en)
EU Mies Van der Rohe Award,2019, Grand Prix National d’Architecture, France, 2008, Global Award for Sustainable Architecture, 2018, Heinrich Tessenow Award, 2016, Berlin, Rolf schock Prize in Visual Arts, Stockholm,2014, The Daylight Award 2011 by Velux Foundations, Copenhaguen, Erich Schelling Award 2006 – Fondation Erich Schelling, Karlsruhe.